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 Naruto 9 Giveaways Sasuke & Itachi Weren't The Only Remaining Uchiha The Naruto series buried hints throughout episodes suggesting that the Uchiha clan didn't end with Sasuke and Itachi For the entirety of the original Naruto series, it seemed like Sasuke and Itachi were the only two living Uchiha, and their hatred for one another was one of六道マダラVSナルト(六道仙術)&サスケ( 輪廻眼開眼 ) ニコニコ動画 Madara solo's Naruto gets solo'd like in canon (Madara killed him) and Hashirama needs Sage Mode to defeat Madara, meaning that he will also be solo'd Round 2 Naruto remains a nonfactor as Madara speedblitzes and solo's him as per canon, while Hashirama will simply be overwhelmed by Madara and his third child slave (the first child slave was Page 3 Madara Uchiha 1080p 2k 4k 5k Hd Wallpapers Free Download Wallpaper Flare マダラ サスケ 関係

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